Chris Skaggs
- Professor & San Antonio Livestock Exposition Chair in Animal Science; Associate Vice Chancellor for Producer Relations and Associate Dean for Student Development, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Office:
- AGLS 510
- Email:
- [email protected]
- Phone:
- 979-845-3712
- Undergraduate Education
- B.S. Animal Science and Agricultural Education, Texas Tech University
- Graduate Education
- M.S. Animal Science, Kansas State University
- Ph.D. Animal Science, Iowa State University
Professional Summary
Chris Skaggs, Ph.D., is a professor and Associate Dean for Student Development for the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. He also holds the San Antonio Livestock Exposition Chair in Animal Science.
Skaggs coordinates the introductory animal science laboratories, teaches AGLS 101 (Freshman Orientation) for the College, and co-teaches the livestock and meats evaluation courses. Skaggs also assists in recruitment efforts for the College, coordinates the college scholarship program and student professional development activities, coordinates student internships with the San Antonio Livestock Exposition and is liaison with major livestock shows of Texas. He is a co-editor, with H. O. Kunkel, dean emeritus of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, of “Revolutionizing Higher Education in Agriculture: Framework, Principles and Agenda for Action,” a study of the colleges of agriculture, natural resources and life sciences in the United States.
Skaggs devotes a considerable amount of time to live animal evaluation. He has judged numerous national shows including the National Western, North American International, San Antonio Livestock Exposition and Houston Livestock Show beef cattle shows, and he works with youth at hundreds of youth shows across the country. He serves as superintendent of the intercollegiate livestock judging contest and the steer show at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, assistant superintendent of the 4-H/FFA livestock judging contest, beef cattle skillathon and steer show at the San Antonio Livestock Exposition and superintendent of the steer show at the State Fair of Texas.