Equine Reproductive Management Short Course goes virtual for 2021

By Dr. Chelsie Huseman
The Texas A&M AgriLife Equine Reproductive Management Short Course took place January 6-8, 2021 and was conducted virtually for the first time in its history. Participants joined live online courses to see demonstrations first hand and interact in real time with reproductive management experts. “We pride ourselves on offering an in-depth hands-on learning experience for participants, so to take this course virtual this year meant we had to work extra hard to provide individuals the tools and skills necessary to proficiently manage their breeding operation,” said Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Horse Specialist Dr. Chelsie Huseman. Participants were mailed an interactive kit that included artificial insemination supplies and a stallion collection kit to enhance the experiential learning component.

Participants from all over the United States and Canada joined in to learn from industry professionals, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine faculty, and Animal Science faculty. Stallion and mare management was extensively covered and a virtual tour was taken of Texas’ finest equine reproduction facility, Cinder Lakes Ranch. “There are advantages to going virtual and that’s the ability to make this exceptional short course available to more people and visit premier facilities,” says Huseman.
The short course content was recorded and will be available for an on-demand course year around. Those interested in taking the course online can access it at https://agrilifelearn.tamu.edu. The annual January short course will continue to be offered and Huseman is hoping an in-person course will be possible for 2022.