February Competitive Teams Results
The department’s competitive teams are staying busy as the February contests wrap up. Good luck to the teams still competing in contests this semester.
Dairy Challenge Team
The Dairy Challenge Team competed at the Western Regional Dairy Challenge contest February 23-25, 2023, in Madera, California. This contest requires a team of students to evaluate a dairy operation based upon their reproduction, milk quality, nutrition, and general health. The goal of this evaluation is to find opportunities for the dairy producer to make more money. The team of students present their findings to a panel of judges. At the regional contest, each of the students were divided up into different teams with other universities. The results are as follows:
- Griffin Matthys: 1st place in his room
- McKenzie McGinniss: 1st place in her room
- Allen Schwartz: 2nd place in his room
- Emily Read: 3rd place in her room
- Allison Hajny: 3rd place in her room
- Haley Williams: 3rd place in her room

Horse Judging Team
The Aggies had a successful day at the National Reined Cow Horse Association Judging Contest, February 15 & 16, 2023. The team was the 1st and 3rd Overall High Teams! We also had five in the top ten overall individually. Greyson Philippovic was the High Individual Overall and won both a $100 check and $600 Shorty’s Hat Certificate. His teammate Kelsey Morgan was the Reserve High Individual Overall, Angelina Newbold was the 6th High Individual Overall, Rachel Kuhlman was the 8th High Individual Overall, and Reagan Hoelscher was the 9th High Individual Overall. The team was represented by members Cammy Jo Ezzell, Yoseph Hernandez, Reagan Hoelscher, Brooke Kiefer, Rachel Kuhlman, Kelsey Morgan, Angelina Newbold, Greyson Philippovic, Madison Strief and John Wofford. The NRCHA Team was coached by past 2022 team member and senior Kensi Parker, Assistant Coach Hannah McLochlin and Coach Sarah Schobert.

Livestock Judging Team
The Livestock Judging Team competed at the Forth Worth Stock Show and Rodeo Intercollegiate Livestock Judging Contest on Friday, February 3, 2023.
Team Results
- 3rd Overall
- 2nd Cattle
- 3rd Sheep/Goats
- 3rd Reasons
- 4th Hogs
- 4th Horses
Individual Results
- Abby Johnson – 9th Overall, 8th Cattle, 8th Hogs, 10th Horses
- Keaton Woods – 10th Overall, 3rd Sheep/Goats, 7th Cattle, 7th Hogs, 8th Reasons
- Saige Ward – 2nd Hogs, 9th Reasons
- John Reaves – 8th Sheep/Goats, 9th Horses, 10 Reasons
- Kevin Jendrusch – 4th Alternates Division
- Eleeza Waggoner – 7th Alternates Division
On February 25, the team competed in San Antonio before their final push to Houston.
Team Results:
- 3rd Overall
- 2nd Sheep
- 2nd Goats
- 3rd Reasons
- 3rd Cattle
- 3rd Hogs
Individual Results:
- John Reaves – 2nd Overall, 2nd Cattle, 2nd Goats, 3rd Reasons, 3rd Sheep
- Kevin Jendrusch – 10th Overall, 7th Cattle
- Will Spicer – 4th Sheep, 9th Reasons
- Abby Johnson – 5th Sheep
- Mikala Grady – 8th Hogs
- Saige Ward – 10th Sheep
Thank you to all the people who have opened up their operations for us to look at livestock and to those behind the scenes putting together these high-quality contests.
The team also enjoyed volunteering at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo 4-H and FFA youth livestock judging contests. Working with the show officials, the team helped facilitate a judging contest with 1,388 students from across the state of Texas.

Meat Judging Team
South Plains Meat Judging Contest
The 2023 Fightin’ Texas Aggie Meat Judging Team was named Champion Team at the South Plains Meat Judging Contest in Hereford, Texas, on February 11, 2023.
A special thanks to AMSA for coordinating this contest and Caviness Beef Packers for hosting the contest at their Hereford, Texas, plant. Also, a big thanks to Tyson, Cargill, Texas Tech, and West Texas A&M for giving our students great opportunities to practice on the way.
We had 2 in the Top 10 Individuals and 4 in the Top 10 Alternates, plus the High Individual Alternate.
Team Results:
- 1st Placings
- 1st Pork Judging
- 2nd Total Beef
- 2nd Specs
- 2nd Beef Grading
- 2nd Lamb Judging
- 3rd Beef Judging
- 3rd Reasons
Individual Results:
- Kadie Graves- 2nd High Overall, tied for 1st Beef Grading, 4th Lamb Judging, 1st Specs
- Shane Molitor- 7th Overall, 5th Beef Grading, 5th Placings
- Kaitlyn Kotrla- 12th Overall, 1st Reasons, 4th Pork Judging, 5th Lamb Judging
- Zach Hoelscher- 13th Overall
Top 10 Alternates:
- Elise Stovall – 1st High Point Individual
- Channing Pieniazek – 4th High Individual
- Maycee Foussadier – 5th High Individual
- Casey Murphy – 7th High Individual
Other team members include Emily Mutchler, Kayce Lopez (11th), Patrick Kessler, Brittley Bowers, Karlie Lowe, & Cody Sells (12th). The team is coached by Trent Stolowski, assistant coach Lauren Lee, and coordinated by Jennifer Wyle.

Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
The 2023 FTAMJT concluded the spring judging season on Saturday, March 4, 2023, at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. The team finished 4th in a really tight contest. Individually, students shined across the divisions.
A special thanks to STX Beef for allowing us to practice in their Corpus Christi plant, Martin Preferred for hosting the contest, and Sara Howard for feeding the team a good dinner on the road. Also, thanks again to the Stovalls for hosting us to dinner Saturday after the contest.
Team Results:
- 4th overall
- 2nd Specs (perfect 400 points)
- 3rd Lamb
- 4th Pork
- 4th Grading
- 4th Reasons
- Channing Pieniazek – 8th overall, 1st placings, 8th reasons, 8th beef, 3rd pork
- Kaitlyn Kotrla – 5th overall, 6th beef, 7th reasons
- Shane Molitor – 7th overall, 7th specs, 8th lamb
- Casey Murphy – 8th total beef, 10th beef grading
- Kadie Graves – 10th lamb
- Zach Hoelscher – 9th specs
Other team members include: Brittley Bowers, Kayce Lopez, Elise Stovall, Cody Sells, Karlie Lowe, Maycee Foussadier, Emily Mutchler, and Patrick Kessler. The team is coached by Trent Stolowski. The team will enjoy their beak and spend time with 4-H and FFA meat judgers. We look forward to seeing what this group will do in the fall!

Meat Animal Evaluation Team
The Meat Animal Evaluation Team made a quick trip to Purdue University to compete in the North Central Meat Animal Evaluation Contest February 17-18, 2023.
- Team 2nd overall
- Gage Walsh 3rd high individual
- Nathan Barrett 4th high individual
- 1st team in Meats Division
- Abby Tack – High Individual Meats
Their next contest is in mid-March in Canyon, TX. Thank you to coaches Ian Lovell and Tanner Wright for leading this team. Team members include: Gage Walsh, Nathan Barrett, Bailey Lamb, Abby Tack, Molly Hicks, Cassie Brown and Morgan McKinzie.

Rodeo Team
The Aggie Rodeo Team participated in the Texas A&M-Commerce college rodeo in early February. The women’s team won first and is currently in first place for the year, with four more rodeos to go. The men’s team was fifth and is currently in third place for the year. The top two men’s and women’s qualify for the College National Finals in Casper, WY.
The Rodeo Team will host their Intercollegiate Rodeo March 10-11 at the Brazos County Expo Center in Bryan, Texas. More information below.

Wool Judging Team
The Wool Judging Team competed at the San Antonio Collegiate Wool Judging Competition on February 11, 2023.
Team Results
- 2nd Overall
Individual Results
- Brianna Bongard-2nd
- Ally Brooks-3rd
- Kodi Davis-7th
- Kyla Beck-8th
- Landon Southern-10th
- Kyla Beck-1st
- Kodi Davis-4th
- Anna Cox-5th
- Rance Ellis-7th
- Landon Southern-8th
- Addison Derry-10th
- Landon Southern-1st
- Rance Ellis-3rd
- Brianna Bongard-5th
- Kyla Beck-6th
- Anna Cox-7th
- Garrett Kern-3rd
- Connor Pence-9th
- Kodi Davis-10th