2020-2021 Judging Team Results
Livestock Judging
The Texas A&M Livestock Judging team had a dominant spring, winning both the Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City (replacement for the National Western) and the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. This is the first A&M team since 2012 to have won both major spring contests, and only the fourth team total in the past fifteen years to do so. The team also won the Griswold Classic and finished 2nd, 2nd and 4th at The Patriot, Dixie Nationals and San Antonio, respectively.
“The team had a fantastic spring, highlighted by those two big wins,” says Caleb Boardman, who coordinates the team and coaches alongside graduate students Landon Eldridge and Kylie Patterson.
“This is a very deep team, with 12 of the 17 team members already having been named top-10 overall at a contest and another winning the alternates division at Houston. We are excited to see what they can do in the fall,” said Boardman.
Team members include Holli Baker, Burton, TX; Hunter Bean, Needville, TX; Mark Chaney, Libertytown, MD; Wyatt Clostio, Hondo, TX; Kara Cloud, Carthage, MO; Kyle Despain, Laramie, WY; Paige Dupin, Irvington, KY; Dalton Flatt, Coffeyville, KS; Courtney Griffith, Brush, CO; Jakob Juul, Fowler, CO; John Thomas Kelley, Yoakum, TX; Laurel Kelley, Yoakum, TX; Lauren Lee, Hamilton, TX; Teegan Mackey, Giddings, TX; Kaden Malm, Torrington, WY; Sarah Tisdel, Katy, TX; and Jenna Wheeler, Jacksonville, IL.
The team will be hosting two educational camps June 14-16 and June 18-20 for youth aged 11-18 looking to improve their evaluation and oral reasons.
Horse Judging

Meat Judging
2021 AMSA Lonestar Classic Collegiate Meat Judging Contest
- Texas A&M University Team – 5th overall
- Texas A&M University Alternate Team – 10th overall
- Ashley Hahn – 7th high individual
2021 Mountain West Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest
- Texas A&M University Team – 3rd overall
- Texas A&M University Alternate Team – 10th overall
- Ashley Hahn – 2nd high individual
AMSA High Plains Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest
- Texas A&M University Team – 5th overall
- Texas A&M University Alternate Team B – 7th overall
- Texas A&M University Alternate Team A – 10th overall
- Lauren Lee – 3rd high individual
- Trent Stolowski – 4th high individual
AMSA American Royal Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest
- Texas A&M University Team – 4th overall
- Texas A&M University Alternate Team B – 6th overall
- Texas A&M University Alternate Team A – 10th overall
- Reagan Hood – 5th high individual
Wool Judging
2021 HLSR Intercollegiate Wool Contest
- Texas A&M University Team #1 – 2nd overall
- Texas A&M University Team #2 – 5th overall
- Nathan Barrett – 2nd high individual
- Molly Hicks – 5th high individual
- Cassidi Dearmond – 6th high individual
- Allie Campbell – 7th high individual
- Caylee Harris – 9th high individual
2021 SALE Collegiate Wool
- Texas A&M University Team #1 – 2nd overall
- Texas A&M University Team #2 – 3rd overall
- Bailey Lamb – 3rd high individual
- Nathan Barrett – 5th high individual
- Mason Vick – 6th high individual
- Abi Hooper – 8th high individual
- Rachel White – 9th high individual
- Allie Campbell – 10th high individual
7220 Collegiate Wool Invitational
- Texas A&M White – high point team
- Texas A&M Maroon – 2nd overall
- Bailey Lamb – high individual
- Nathan Barrett – 2nd high individual
- Gage Walsh – 3rd high individual
- Molly Hicks – 4th high individual
- Bonnie Mickinzie – 5th high individual
- Mason Vick – 6th high individual
- Rachel White – 8th high individual
Dairy Challenge Team
The Dairy Challenge Team competed in two contests this season. The Western Regional Dairy Challenge was conducted virtually March 3-5th 2021. The team secured second position in the regional contest. The TAMU team competed at the National Intercollegiate Contest conducted virtually April 14-16 2021. The team placed second in this contest as well.
Animal Welfare Judging
The 20th annual American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Animal Welfare Assessment Contest (AWJAC), virtually hosted by the AVMA and North Carolina State University, took place this past weekend with 176 participants representing 32 universities and seven countries completing online assessments of the welfare of animals in different settings.
Participants included undergraduates, graduate students, veterinary students, AVMA member veterinarians and members of international veterinary medical associations, were provided a structured opportunity to practice their assessment skills and present their findings to an expert panel of scientists and veterinarians with special expertise in animal welfare. Species covered in the 2020 contest included cheetahs in captivity and domesticated turkeys.
Fifteen Texas A&M University students (4 graduate and 11 undergraduate) competed in the 2020 contest and they placed 3rd and 4th (out of 22 competitors) in the Graduate Student Division and 5th (out of 77 competitors) in the Senior Undergraduate Division.
The 2021 Contest will be in-person and hosted by North Carolina State University in November. The species for this year’s contest will be “mice as pets”, “psittacines in zoos”, “cats in research setting”, and the live assessment will be on meat goats.
Academic Quadrathlon Team
The Academic Quadrathlon Team competed at the Southern Section Academic Quadrathlon contest in the spring. The team secured first place overall. The team will compete against other regional winners for the National AQ Championship in July 2021.
Ranch Horse Team
The Texas A&M Ranch Horse team is back in Aggieland after competing in their final show this semester. It was an honor to compete at the National Ranch & Stock Horse Alliance Collegiate Championships in Amarillo last week, where the Fightin’ Texas Aggies finished as the 3rd place Division 1 Collegiate Team in Go-1, Reserve Champion Division 1 Collegiate Team in Go-2, and 3rd place Division 1 Collegiate Team in the overall standings. Many members on the team also had individual wins within their respective divisions. We certainly had a great time competing alongside so many other top notch collegiate teams, and we can’t wait to get back to it next fall! For now, the Aggies are looking forward to a summer full of individual improvement before tryouts are held again in the fall and the 2021-2022 team is selected. We also have several senior team members graduating in May, and we wish them the best of luck as they begin their careers. Thanks and gig’em!